The bricks façade of the Church of Santa Maria dei Carmini.

The Adoration of the shepherds. Retable by Cima da Conegliano.
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The bricks façade of the Church of Santa Maria dei Carmini.

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The Adoration of the shepherds. Retable by Cima da Conegliano.

Santa Maria dei Carmini

The Carmelites settled in Venice towards the mid-1200s, shortly after the reform of their order. As part of the new Rules, they gave up their hermit existence and dedicated themselves to looking after the souls of city dwellers.Santa Maria dei Carmini – known simply as “i Carmini” to Venetians – was built in the 14th Century.

The main brick façade is quite amazing despite its sober design. The dangerously leaning high bell-tower (a lot of Venetian bell-towers are in fact at an angle) was cleverly straightened at the end of the 1600s.

The main structure of the interior is in the Gothic style. The church contains various works by Lorenzo Lotto and Cima da Conegliano.

1300 - 1400 - DORSODURO - rev. 0.1.6

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