Palazzo Corner of the Ca' Granda.
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Palazzo Corner of the Ca' Granda.

Ca' Grande - Palazzo Corner

After their original palace was burnt down, the family Corner obtained funds from the Venetian Republic for its reconstruction in 1532, entrusting the direction of works to Jacopo Sansovino.

This famous architect designed a Renaissance style building, though with clear signs of the great Venetian Classicism tradition. The palace is entered under three high ashlar arches on the ground floor. The two middle floors have a double series of half-columns between the wide windows with balconies. The top floor with elliptical windows crowns the building.

Because of its size, the new Palazzo Corner was soon called Ca' Granda (or Ca’ Grande) by the Venetians. In the 17th and 18th Centuries, Palazzo Pisano and Ca' Rezzonico were also built in a similar style.

1500 - S. MARCO - rev. 0.1.7

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