The Palace on the Canal Grande, current location of Banca d'Italia.
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The Palace on the Canal Grande, current location of Banca d'Italia.

Palazzo Dolfin Manin

This building has a beautiful classical façade with a beautiful sottoportego facing the Canal Grande.
Designed by Sansovino for the Dolfin family of Ca’ Grande, it was built in 1536-1545 and soon become popular as the venue of many parties, thanks to the "Accesi", one of the better-known Compagnie della Calza (party organisers).

The building, was later sold to the family Pesaro and then finally purchased by the Manin family (originally from Tuscany, they became part of the Venetian nobility in 1651). A family of the utmost integrity and very generous, especially the last Doge of Venice Ludovico Manin, particularly active in educating abandoned children and caring for the mentally ill.
Giambattista Tiepolo was commissioned by him to paint two ceilings in the palace celebrating his marriage to Elizabeth Grimani in 1748.

1500 - S. MARCO - rev. 0.1.6

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